Sunday, June 26, 2011

Q211 (Narnia)

How many mothballs fall out of the wardrobe when Lucy opens it for the first time? (submitted by Al Nolan)

(Submit your answer in the comments section below
Answer to yesterday's question also in comments
both online only not in the email)

Highlighted Lewis Resource of the Week:
Not your typical book related to Lewis. The long subtitle gives you a hint about the content; it supposes that Kennedy, Lewis and Huxley (who all died on the same day) had a chance to discuss their various (and different) beliefs in a friendly debate. First published in 1982, an expanded edition came out in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. The answer to yesterday’s question is:

    J.W. Welch at the BBC had read Lewis' The Problem of Pain and enjoyed it so much he wrote to Lewis about speaking on the radio.
