Friday, June 24, 2011

Q209 (Quotes)

Finish the quote and name the source (5 words) "It is no use to ask God with facetious earnestness for A when our whole mind is in reality filled with B. We must lay before Him what is in us not _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ . "

(Submit your answer in the comments section below
Answer to yesterday's question also in comments
both online only not in the email)

BONUS Questions:

(Q33 – Narnia)
Which of the Narnia book did Lewis begin to write during Christmas vacation in 1950?

(Q42 –Non-fiction)
What is the name of the first academic title Lewis had published?

1 comment:

  1. The answer to yesterday’s question is:

    Trufflehunter, a talking badger.
