Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Q235 (Other Fiction)

In which book does Lewis have Merlin play a role?
It’s been online since 2003 covering the latest news about Narnia and related C.S. Lewis information. This site also has “The Dancing Lawn,” an active forum to ask questions and discuss a variety of Lewis/Narnia related subjects.

1 comment:

  1. The answer to yesterday’s questions are:

    Q234: His wife, Helen Joy Davidman died on July 13th in 1960.


    1. c; Eustace is in introduced in Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    2. e; Polly is a character in The Magician’s Nephew
    3. a; Puddleglum can be found in The Silver Chair
    4. b; Mr. Beaver is first seen in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
    5. d; Dr. Cornelius is in Price Caspian
