Monday, July 11, 2011

Q226 (Quotes)

Finish the quote and name the source (4 words):
"I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are ______ ______ ______ ____ . "

(Submit your answer in the comments section below.
Answer to yesterday's question also in comments;
both online only not in the email)

BONUS True/False Questions (B9):
  1. Lewis wrote an entire book about Proverbs.
  2. Mere Christianity is a book containing previously published writings.
  3. Lewis published no book of essays during his life.
  4. There were several books Lewis wrote that didn’t give his name as the author when they were first published.
  5. Lewis’ autobiography only covered his life up to his conversion.


  1. The answer to yesterday’s question is:

    The Magician's Nephew (in the first chapter)

  2. not substitutes for Joy. Surprised by Joy.

  3. That's correct, Aravis on the main question
